Poem — Lyrics about new rich

“Rich man” to the tune of ‘I’m a good ol rebel”

2 min readDec 8, 2021

Rich man owns big houses

Rich man owns new cars

Rich man owns a bunch o’ guns

Rich man owns the bars

Rich man owns the judges

And owns the paper too

Give him all your money

And if you don’t he’ll sue.


Rich man got a big boat

Rich man’s got a old chateau

Rich man got a treadmill

Rich man’s got a bungalow

Rich man got it easy

He’s livin large, you know

But he wants a new pool table

So give him all your dough


Rich man gets veneer teeth

Rich man gets a brand new nose

Rich man gets an escort

Rich man gets designer clothes

Rich man gets in trouble

And it doesn’t do him harm

You could have things that he does

But you haven’t got the charm


Rich man has no sorrow

Rich man has no stress

Rich man has no house chores

Rich man has no mess

Rich man makes his living

Without a single sweat

And if the Rich man wants it

That’s exactly what he’ll get.


Rich man is the victim

Rich man is the law

Rich man is entitled

Rich man is at the spa

Rich man is a vegan

His age you cannot guess

He sells his branded products

And books on mindfulness


Rich man won the raffle

Rich man won the case

Rich man won cruise tickets

Rich man won the race

Rich man won an Emmy

and a Grammy’s on the way

He does his meditations

And yoga every day


Rich man has the power

Rich man has the fame

Rich man has a housewife

Rich man has acclaim

Rich man has a cellar

Where he stores his vintage wine

He smiles with his pearly white

If it’s got a dollar sign




Writer, painter, fencing coach, and amateur banjo player. Ask me anything about poetry writing and philosophy — always love to think I might be some help.